Life on Earth and in the mind of man is Governed By an Egoistic mind-set due to Ignorance, (of who we are) which is the root cause of the earthly drama and havoc, which also gives birth to an egoistic Lucrative based Social Structure; and ignorance also causes Sinful acts and fear, which makes a Human, since her/His birth, gradually fall from a Higher State of Consciousness and inner Spiritual Purity & Grace; causing her/Him to forget that He/She is a Soul; a Soul that has Fallen in to a Spiritual Sleep, waiting to be Awaken by rising from the Human ignorance and therefore Knowing One-self, through Truth (Knowledge) which leads one to Wisdom; Therefore One Rainbow Souls has come to be, to give it’s contribute in helping the Human Soul, to Awaken from the Dormant State, which forgetfulness and Ignorance has put the Soul in to. Therefore on this web Page the reader may encounter new concepts and material of Study to ponder upon, related to both Spirituality and Activism, of which purpose, is to Overcome the Ego attached Sinful Attitude, that causes a down fall of Both Human Consciousness and Social Structure.
“Knowledge is frightening, but if a warrior (Peaceful Spiritual Warrior) accepts the frightening nature of knowledge he cancels out its awesomeness. Knowledge is a most peculiar affair, especially for a warrior. Knowledge for a warrior is something that comes at once, engulfs him, and passes on. – Don Juan Matus – Tales of Power –
Meaning of the Symbol “One”ABOUT US
Knowledge & Wisdom may come on many Tongues and from many Mouths, for those who have Ears to hear, and have Discernment to Filter out the Essence of the Principles of a forgotten Religious Doctrine.
<< Dictionary: RELIGION = RELIGARE (Latin) From religâre, to bind; from ligâre, to unite in harmony To re-unite >>
– Re-unite what? – Re-unite the duality of the Soul and our nature in us in One, and Unite in One, with the Divine Mother/Father Spirit, therefore the Highest One.
“In the midst of chaos the Peaceful Warrior remains at peace for she/he has become master of their thoughts and works to always be in balance with emotion, integrity and character.
The Peaceful Warrior looks not outside of him-self for someone to lead him, but has faith in the leader within himself to always rise to the occasion.
The Peaceful Warrior does not look to conquer his neighbor or foe ~ but to conquer his own foe ~ His own issues in the spiritual battlefield of the mind. The Peaceful Warrior is an independent thinker, capable of making decisions on his own for the over all good of the clan. The Peaceful Warrior knows that under any circumstances he has the ability, wisdom, knowledge and experience to work for the truthful & successful outcome in all things for the greater good. Peaceful Warriors are the leaders for the future of humanity and were the leaders of humanities past”
~ Danzho, Diyinihii, Gozhooni. Courtesy of Cochise OnePaw
The Great Melting Pot of People of Truth and Wisdom, melted in to One
– Life Masters – Leaders – Holy People – Great Figures & Seers of all Ages (Who’s Missing)
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